132.29 AC
SWC Hwy 111 & Grant St
Mecca, CA
Warm Mecca location with extended hours of sunlight provides one of the earliest harvests in the state. Asking Price: $2,645,800 ($20,000/AC)
- Farm Ground For Sale
132.29 AC SWC Hwy 111 & Grant St, Mecca
Asking Price: $2,645,800 ($20,000/AC)
Location: Property is located at the southwest corner of Highway 111 and Grant Street in Mecca, CA.
Zoning: A-1-10 (Light Ag, 10-acre min. lot size)
General Plan: Agriculture
Parcel Size (According to County Assessor’s Information): 132.29 acres
APN: 729-050-008 (2.34 AC), 012 (53.8 AC), 014 (76.15 AC)