112.79 AC
NWC Ave 54 & Tyler St
Coachella, CA
Prime farmground. Previously farmed vegetables and herbs. Reservoir. Easy access to Expressway 86 & I-10. One mile north of Thermal Airport. Lease Rate: $400/AC/Year
- Farmground For Lease
112.79 AC NWC Ave 54 & Tyler St, Coachella
Lease Rate: $400/AC/Year
Location: The property is located at the northwest corner of Ave 54 and Tyler Street in Coachella, CA.
Zoning: 45.2 Acres R-M Urban (20 – 38 units/Acre) | 67.59 Acres Manufacturing Service
General Plan: IP (Industrial Park)
Current Use: Farmground
APNs/Parcel Sizes (According to County Assessor’s Information): 778-390-004 (4.85 AC), 005 (30.67 AC), 007 (77.27 AC)